28 Sept 2017

Dreadtober 2017 - Deredeo Dreadnought Pledged

So the highlight of the hobby year is here again! (Other than Spartember, Squaduary and Monster March) I love these motivational group hugs, and found last year's Dreadtober very rewarding, made some new Blogger Buddies and added some fine blogs to the Blogroll. And not forgetting my plastic BatC Contemptor I completed for last years pledge, seen above!
Here is this year's pledge, a FW Resin Deredeo Dreadnought with Missile Pod and dual twin Autocannons, and Heavy Bolters too! Lots of lovely firepower. Shame I didn't wait out and get the Heavy Lascannon variety but who knew in 8th that the humble Lascannon would return to be king.
So there you have it, Greg Todd and Joe have done a fantastic job this year and set up a dedicated Dreadtober Blog. Click on the LINK or the picture in the sidebar and get onboard with your unfinished Dreads, Large Creatures, Dreadknight, or similar....

Cheers, wish me luck, have a Spartember Spartan to finish up first!  Siph.


  1. So glad you’re doing a deredeo too! I wasn’t sure about getting one but I’m hoping the pose will make it look better than the FW pictures, and it’ll be good to see someone else’s take on it

    1. In person they look great. I really like it now I saw it in the flesh

  2. Really looking forward to seeing your Eddy, Siph! Gonna be a fun Dreadtober!

  3. Ha awesome, I am doing a Deredeo too for Dreadtober :)

  4. Lascannons are only king if you don't roll snakeeyes to wound (grrr, bloody Karandras too!)

    Look forward to seeing what the Relictors Deredeo looks like, I've got a mate with a cherry red Word Bearers one and that looks pretty awesome!

  5. Thx everyone, good to be onboard and I'll ray to do it my usual Relictor Grey justice ;)

  6. Nice! Good luck with the build, those kits look really fun to pose but lots of resin to hold together.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)