29 Aug 2017

Relictors Old School Rhino APC Mk1b - for my RTB01 Marines

Hi Readers, thanks for dropping in our humble corner of the blogosphere. Today I have a gem, a reconditioned original Rhino Mk1b, I was lucky enough to get this in a job lot of old Warhammer gear that someone was clearing out.
I sanded and resprayed the Rhino with Army Painter Uniform Grey which is a great match for Codex Grey (Dawnstone). I washed the Rhino with Nuln Oil and drybrushed with Administratum Grey.
The Rhino is ideal for the RTB01 Squad I finished for Squaduary in February, they are in the 4th Company as I already have 6 Tactical Squads in my 5th Company. The Company colour is green, hence the green background. The old rhino had some cracked rear lights which was quite fitting for its age.
I replaced the bent aerials with skull topped aerials from the SM Bike kit and added a modern Storm Bolter as the original Bolters were missing.
The front got the same treatment of the other Rhinos with a Chain and a Skull Motif.
The Tactical Arrow was masked off using tape and painted on, which worked really well and matches the others with FW Transfers.
And finally, a shot with the RTB01 Marines and their new ride! A great addition to the Relictor forces, albeit the growing 4th Company! Next up, something bigger, time to start that Spartan Heavy Assault Tank as part of Spartember.  Thanks for dropping by, Cheers, Siph.

27 Aug 2017

Spartember - WIP Build the Spartan Heavy Assault Tank

Hi Everyone,

Two hobby Blogger Buddies of mine Turkadactyl and Naf Naf announced they were setting themselves a challenge to build their Spartan's they both have languishing in the To-Do piles, and put out a shout to anyone else to join them... here's what they said:

"Naf Naf and I announced that we were starting a new hobby challenge- Spartember.  We discovered that we both had the same problem- a large Forgeworld Spartan tank sitting in pieces in the hobby closet.  It was decided that we will rely on each other for motivation to assemble these large kits and we extended the invitation to interwebs."

"Do any of you suffer from hobby hoarder syndrome? That procrastination of your tank build getting you down? Well fear not, I NafNaf, and my fellow adventurer & blogger Turkadactyl  (check out his awesome blog, are here to help you move forward with your hobby life (by building a spartan assault tank!)"

As it happens, I too have a FW Spartan hiding in the massive To-Do pile (seen above in it's current state) and this year's Hobby Goal was to reduce that in size, so this fits in great! I left a message in their comments and now I'm onboard! (Although, I do fear the individual track segments, I know their is a problem with this kit, two of the pieces track links male/female links are backwards so some trouble is ahead..)

I'll be posting my progress during September, I'll aim for the build and maybe stretch to the painting too... and not forgetting October is just around the corner, that inevitably means Dreadtober!

There you have it, click on their names and check out their awesome blogs, and join in if you like.

23 Aug 2017

Magnus the Red - Daemon Primarch of the Thousand Sons

Hi Readers, thank you for popping by.

Over the last few weeks, you've seen my progress with Magnus the Red, and in this post I will show the final results!
As posted before, I've opted for a different scheme to that shown in the GW art and as painted by the 'Eavy Metal team. I've used a gold basis for the armour, with a wash incorporating purple to add a 'magic' feel to it and to move away from the Khorne style gold/brass.
I've also gone for a combination of colours for the wings, going from Red, to Blue and then Green, these were all highlighted with Sotek Green, with the edges of the Green tips highlighted with a dry brush of yellow.
For the base, I really wanted to go all out, with a base that would add to the model - I didn't really like the single dead Dreadnought arm, so when for something a little extra.. A dead/broken Bjorn the Fellhanded (I'm sorry, to every Space Wolves Player - he's awaiting recovery, honest) I've built him around rubble from a smashed building with most of his legs trapped under the rocks. I've used normal rocks for this, and added extra bits to add '40k' to it.
He is a picture before Magnus is glued into place.. I've added 'Magic' damage to the dreadnought with blue highlights to the areas I've cut into the dreadnought.
The head of the staff of Magnus - I've left off the 'ball of energy' off the model for now, I am toying with trying to add an extra dimension to the model using this but need to plan that a little bit more...
For his horns, I've got for a marble effect, using browns, greys and whites. I saw this style of marble whilst at a family wedding, and thought it might contrast well with the gold armour. This was my first attempt at marble, I'm happy with the results, however I would like to improve my painting skills further.
The eyes were all picked out the same, apart from the one in Magnus' hand- this has no iris just an edge of blue around the eye itself.
Here are the last two pictures, with Magnus on the battlefield. The first surveying the surrounding area...
...the next, confronting a returning Brother Primarch... Roboute Guilliman.
Thanks for reading, and for your comments during the build, I, we, really appreciate the comments and feedback! Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.

###EDIT### I've changed the pictures, as the black background isn't giving off the same 'flash' as the white was.

21 Aug 2017

Necron Dynasty Heavy Destroyers w/ Heavy Gauss Cannons

Hello Readers, Thanks for dropping in again. Cheers.  Here is my latest addition to the Necron Dynasty, a pair of Heavy Destroyers armed with Heavy Gauss Cannons. These saw action at Warhammer World in May.
These will give some much needed longer range firepower to the Dynasty, their firepower usually limited to 24in. And will also add some reliable anti-tank to the Destroyer Cult, we will have to await the Necron Codex/Battletome for 8th to see what gimmicks survive into 8th...
These finecast kits were very warped and the original Heavy Gauss Cannons were unuseable, so I made my own using the parts from spare Tomb Blade Gauss Blasters. You can see the conversion at the link.
I continued my Destroyer theme of adding gold glyphs to the carapace of the Destroyers.
Finally, I added a lens type thing to the scope on the shoulder, I used the Soulstone Blue over Stormhost Silver. Thanks again, cheers Siph.

17 Aug 2017

WIP - Objective Markers using Space Marine Casualties

Hi One and All,

I've been working on a few projects recently, Magnus is about finished, as well as some more Reaver Titan building, However I thought I'd share my new project- objective markers for 8th- using the casualty marines.
These are currently glued, based and undercoated blue, the plan is to paint these in Ultramarine colours, but do them so that they can be used as objectives.
I've always liked the look of these, and had them sat in my 'to-do-pile' for some time- these are metal models to give you an idea of time..
I've got a plan to mark them so that you know which is objective 1- 6, more will be shown soon..

14 Aug 2017

Necron Lychguard Squad w/ Hyperphase Swords and Dispersion Shields

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by, here is my latest offering, a squad of Lychguard armed with Hyperphase Swords (AP-3) and Dispersion Shields (4++).
There are two ways of playing Lychguard, one with all Warscythes (+2 S) relying on their T5 and 3+ save to keep them around, and the other way, using the Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield to give them the resilience to stick around in the fight. Add an HQ aura nearby with a Res Orb and these can punch above their own weight.
I painted these the same as my Necrons, but with a lot more Gold bling to show their high status above lowly Warriors, these are the bodyguard for Necron Lords and Overlords. I may use these to shield my Overlord with Warscythe, but it will be interesting to see how 8th affects these - now Initiative isn't an issue, a Warscythe squad will certainly hit harder on the charge!
Thanks for dropping by, hopefully you are all expanding your forces with 8th! I am looking forward to painting my Primaris Marines, Scythes of the Emperor make the most sense after nearly being wiped out by the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken... which by good fortune is the Hive Fleet I had settled on for my Genestealer Cult!!

11 Aug 2017

Magnus the Red- Primarch of the Thousand Sons WIP3

Hi Everyone,

Further update on my steady progress with Magnus.
Following the post last week, I've opted for gold armour, similar to that of the Forge World HH version, however I've decided to make the gold different by playing and mixing washes I've found a perfect wash for the gold to prevent it looking to 'Khorne' like.
I've mixed equal parts Reikland Fleshshade, with the old Leviathan Purple wash together, to form a shade which appears to have more depth, the purple comes through slightly giving the armour an almost eerie, magical feel which is what I wanted with the armour.
The Blade of Magnus has had the same wash- I'm really happy with the shade, all of the armour will be painted the same- this was just a test to see how it worked. The armour will get a couple of dry brush's with lighter gold and silver to edge.
The wings have had several dry brushes of Sotek Green across the 3 shades of colour, with a Flash Git Yellow dry brush to the very tips.
And finally the base is now glued together- and he stands upright! The Space Wolves Dreadnought has been hacked and sliced to make it look 'battle damaged' with a few marine helmets added to finish the look.

Overall quite happy with how this project is going- hopefully will be complete in time to swap this project for a certain Death Guard...

Thanks for looking!

7 Aug 2017

Old School Purchase Find - Job Lot £50 Bargain

Hi Guys and Gals, I had to share this amazing lucky find, at the moment I work at an Organisation which has an internal 'sales and wants' blog for want of a better description. Well a work colleague knew I am interested in Warhammer 40K and pointed me to a sales ad for a job lot of old Warhammer 40k goodness...  I offered a price and advised that they would get more if they sold separately as lots on eBay, but the owner was happy to take my cash knowing some of their childhood tanks and Weemen would be re-purposed and put back into service for the Emperor! I promised I would inform them once I repainted the Rhino, the one thing in the lot I really wanted, and a deal was made!

Here is the 1996 Era Terminator Captain who I stripped with Dettol and is up on the auction block.
An old school Landspeeder Typhoon, which will get a new grey Relictor paintjob. I don't actually have an Assault Cannon armed one! Bargain.
The Rhino, cleaned up and basecoated with Relictor grey WIP, aerials repaired (bent) and mount for a Storm Bolter added, (was missing guns) and a missing exhaust made from a Necron Power Cable but look! INTACT HANDRAILS! Unheard of, small snap repaired and good for the ride for my RTB01 Squad from Squaduary earlier this year!
A part plastic, part metal Devastator Squad needing some love or stripping - probably for the eBay block...
A couple of Attack Bikes and SM Bikes, with half metal rider Torso's Sergeant, Melta and Plasma.
An old but VERY heavy metal Dreadnought - this will end up on the scenic base of my Necron Tomb Stalker.
An old School Predator RTB08, I think will get a clean up and requisitioned into the Relictor ranks
Some Blood Angel Death Company and Chaplain, also for the stripping and auction block.
Lots of spares, arms, weapons and Back Packs for those metal Torsos
Up on the auction block an incomplete Assault Squad, four Marines and three jumppacks plus some CC weapons.
A full Tactical Squad with arms, weapons and box. Already sold.
A selection of Deathwing, Assault and Assault Cannon Rogue Trader Era Terminators, and some metal Scouts, I think all for stripping and auction but the Scout Sergeant may get a reprieve...
2nd Edition Gretchin, sold already as is, painted but could do with some love.
2nd Edition Goff Ork Boyz, also sold and on their way to their new owner.
And lastly, a couple of 2nd Edition Tactical Squads, too static for my liking, so already sold too. So far I've recouped over half my outset, I have a few other random metal minis in Dettol as I type, a DA Standard Bearer, Ezekiel without his Sword, some Biker Torso's etc.

A great bargain! And an RTB Rhino Mk1b with Handrails! Good times.