23 Jan 2017

Mechanicum Force So Far - Jan 2017

So following the completion of the last of my Mechanicum models, I thought a nice shot of the force so far, can't wait to use them on the battlefield.
So, two Thanatar Siege Automaton with Hellex Plasma Mortars, two Castellax Battle-Automata with Mauler Boltcannons, three Castellax with Power Blades and Multi-Meltas and three Vorax Battle-Automata with Rotor Cannons and Lightning Guns. Great stuff, awesome sculpts. I'll no doubt add some units in the future, especially when I can use them in 40K with the release of the fabled Fire of Cryaxis 40K Mechanicum rules...


  1. Wow, they look great. Shame the book to use them in 40k is delayed. Still update in less than two weeks.

  2. They're looking fantastic.

  3. Looks good. I love the forge world mechanicus.

  4. Beast mode! How many points are they and all?

  5. The whole lot look fab ! And I suspect are pretty effective on the table. But I love love love those Vorax...

  6. Col H, thanks for info and compliment. I can't wait to unleash on the 40k battlefield!

    Andrew, thanks man.

    Green Dal, cheers man. Me too. I may buy some more... I love the Explorator vehicle, but not this year, digging through my to-do pile!

    Rory, not sure of the 30k comparison to 40k points levels, but about 1500.

    Zzzzzz, my favourite too... bought those off Mordian7th and started this crazy hobby butterfly off-shoot into Ad Mech! They are quite true to the Rogue Trader Imperial Robots predecessor.

  7. *Grenn Dal...darn auto correct!

  8. Lovely force, man! You've got me itching to do more 'bots!

  9. Looking good.

  10. Beautiful Siph! Gives me a few ideas for when I paint my Calix.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)