22 Aug 2016

Subtle Posing the Betrayal At Callth Contemptor Dreadnought

I am not a fan of the mono-static pose of the BaC Contemptor, but am a great fan of all things Contemptor Dreadnought, and cheap plastic ones to boot! So I did a subtle cut and shunt on the legs and waist to give a slightly less static straight pose. This is a putty shot to get the idea, not the final pose, I think I'll do a slightly less angled torso.
After cutting the Dreadnought at the waist and in the leg join, I used Green Stuff and superglue to fill out the leg and re-position it at a slight angle - I think the original pose suffers as both feet are perfectly aligned front to back, whereas a slight change makes it look a lot more natural and less awkward?. If that makes sense for a 15ft tall walking sarcophagus killing machine??
If you have a number of these, a small alteration like this will improve the look of your force I reckon. What are your thoughts? Anyone else altered theirs yet, post a link to pictures in the comments, cheers, Siph.


  1. I picked one up this weekend, I think the thing I dislike the most about it is the way the legs are quite wide at the waist with the weight of the sarcophagus making it look a little gangly for me. I'll be narrowing down the joins at the waist for the legs so that the weight seems more distributed down the leg rather than balanced on what looks like an axle.

    I probably didn't explain that too well, basically i want the hips to be narrower so the weight of the top half is supported on the legs, rather than between them.

  2. I love these types of articles. I'm only new at the converting game, so getting an idea of where to slash and cut makes all the difference!

  3. Looking good, man - a little subtle alteration is always better than wild and crazy extreme reposing. Digging how that's coming along!

  4. Nice to see that there is hope for this kit. As you state, the pose is very 2D unless altered.

  5. It makes absolute sense for a 15ft tall walking sarcophagus killing machine. And looks better, too.

  6. Frankly, I'd rather re-pose a static plastic mini than deal with building a resin one. I've got two BaC Contemptors built in the basic pose, one each for my SW and Crimson Thunder, so I reckon the other two I've got waiting to build are going to get some heavier modification along these lines.

  7. Thanks everyone. Yes, agreed, reposing plastic is easier than resin, but I love the pose ability of the resin Contemptor.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)