24 Aug 2015

Terrain and Scenery - Shrine of the Aquila 1 - 6MMRPC

Welcome to our humble corner of the blogosphere, here is my latest offering to the terrain gods, a sizeable Shrine of the Aquila. A great thematic terrain piece and in these days of D Weapon toting Wraithknights and Imperial Knights, a good line of sight blocker and cover.
The main colour was a GW Zandri Dust spray, washed with Agrax Earthshade and drybrushed with Ushabti Bone. The walkways were drybrushed with Leadbelcher and a few small details done.
The piles of rubble were simply off cuts from sprue, chopped up with cutters, and the base was my usual 3mm hardboard, cut with a jigsaw and sanded edges. This was painted Calthan Brown (the large pot of brown in the GW Scenery Pack) and drybrushed Kommando Khaki and Ushabti Bone.
I thought I'd add a little spot colour with the lamppost and lamps. A simple blue with black centre and a white point to resemble glass, hopefully it does the job nicely.

Another one is on the way, to make a big centre piece terrain. Thanks for dropping by, and more more ideas, check out the Terrain Label in the side bar or HEREAnd another bit done during my 6 month mountain reducing painting challenge (6MMRPC). Cheers, Siph.


  1. Nice work! I remember this shrine was the first time I ever used an airbrush. Pots exploded and got all over my patio. Ah such memories. Yours looks really great, and smart to have the section it sits in (around the bottom edges!)

  2. Nice looking terrain piece. I appreciate knowing the colours used, often it exposes me to new paints that I'm interested in.

  3. Looks really good Suph. The little details you have added like the lights really make it that much more special. I love this terrain kit and am thinking of picking one up as it is so cool and an awesome centre piece


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)