10 Jan 2014

Iron Warriors - Rhino

Hi guys - Happy New Year!

It seems that I have disappeared slightly since the start of December (Siph edit: November mate!) and whilst I have been crazily busy, I have managed to get quite a bit of painting done - so my hobbying News Year's Resolution is going to be getting more posts out.

Here we have my second Rhino for the Iron Warriors. I actually picked this up with my 2nd place winnings from Blog Wars 5 (which was summer '13), which gives an idea of how long it's taken me to get it posted.
As with my other Rhino, it's decked out with Forgeworld Iron Warrior doors to keep the theme going.

Its also armed with the excellent Havok Missile Launchers to throw around a bit more template hurt.


  1. This is simply awesome. Did you use pigments to create the weathered looks?

  2. Lovely job there! 81 66658422

  3. Hi Revan - yeah, I use Secret Weapon pigments - Dark Earth for most of the dirt on there. I make up a batch with matt medium and stipple on for mud and then when its dried apply some pigment powder to weather it.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)