19 Dec 2013

Birthday Pressie - Airbrush. Advice needed...

Hello Readers, sorry it's been a while. We haven't dropped off the planet, just been around the other side for a bit. Lord Halfpenny has been working hard at home and abroad a little bit, 6thDegree has been busy working Nottingham way and Siph has just returned from 2 months away at sea in the Middle East.

I myself am now home for the Crimbo period and got back to a wonderful Birthday present I have only just got to open - thanks to my gorgeous girlfriend, I am now the proud owner of an Airbrush!

Slightly daunting as I've only ever dabbled unsuccessfully with the GW tinned variety, this one has a reservoir which I know is good, two air brushes, the merits of which I am clueless and up to 4bar pressure compressor... so the good question is...

Can anyone point me in the right direction to good blog articles or give some practical advice when it comes to using this fine apparatus? I will no doubt experiment but some heads-up would be appreciated!!

It's a Single Cylinder Piston Compressor with Air Tank, 1/6 HP, 1450/1700rpm, 20-23L min output, 0-4bar, 3L air tank, suitable for airbrush nozzle 0.2mm-1mm ??

Happy Birthday to me indeed.  :)   Oh, and some more Centurions found themselves into my gift pile too! CC variants I think this time....



  1. http://taleofpainters.blogspot.co.uk/2011/11/tutorial-guide-to-dual-action.html#more is one of the best Airbrush tutorials I have seen well worth a look

  2. Vallejo's model air line is prepared for airbrushing and requires no thinning. It's a good way to start

  3. Welcome back Siph! I've been looking at investing in an airbrush for a while now - so will be checking in with you to see how it's going.

  4. I have a few airbrush tutes on my blog, as I use one quite a lot.

    I would however suggest the very first thing you do is pop some paint or ink in it, (experimenting with thinnning to get the right consistency) and hit a few sheets of paper with some sprays

    keep airflow whenever you intend to paint, and vary the paint flow by pulling back..

    try a few strokes with even sprays, get the pressure right to avoid spidering and see what line quality you can get, "dags" are a common practice tool which is essentially a line that increases or decreases in thickness, using the 2-stage trigger.

  5. Perfect timing. I was thinking of getting this exact set from eBay. You'll have to let me know how you get on.

  6. Like Albert says, try out Vallejo's model air line. I started using them when I first got my airbrush and some of the colours aren't too far off the GW ones. They are really good for getting a nice smooth basecoat as well.

  7. I will agree that model air paints are very good, but with the right thinning Ive had good results from my existing stocks - citadel and vallejo mostly - by right thinning i mean a little medium and a little water/flow release mix.

    i have a video on airbrushing kroot on the same youtube channel that might help too...

  8. Thanks for your comments. I have sussed how to reduce the flow rate and look forward to practicing once I've got some suitable masking or vent set up! I'll post my findings once done!


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)