27 Jun 2011

Magnetized 40K Turn Marker

Just a short post with something simple, I often lose track of what turn we are on in a battle, is it turn 4 or 5, or what do I need this turn for Reserves roll? So, I dug out the turn marker and painted it. I've magnetized the arrow so it doesn't come loose.

The colours I chose reflect the colours of my Relictors, simple but a lot better than the garish green plastic I reckon. Just a simple way to make my games a little more enjoyable. Thanks for reading.


  1. brilliant. little details like that really rock - genius idea on your part i think. i have some custom made Novamarines counters with the logo on the back of the counter :)

  2. NICE!
    That's really a cool turn counter.

  3. I'll defo be following your lead on this one, what a simple and effective idea.

    Gratz and much thanks for sharing.


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)