30 Sept 2009

Imperial Warhound Canis Bellum - Legio Astorum

Well here he is, Canis Bellum (War Dog/Hound) of the Legio Astorum (Warprunners) in all his glory. The first two shots are from the artist sent to me. The others are at home with the IG and Relictors. As you can see the tree didn't survive the post but everything else was repaired and back to full working order.
The striped Shin Armour is to match the shoulder armour of Reaver Titan Honorum (from IA Vraks) as that is how it will be painted up. Ron is doing his banner for me.
The artist / painter is Richard Gray from Richard Gray Creations and his Warseer Log can be found here. He is a top line artist as you can see and a fabulous guy to work with, very trustworthy and great communications ensured I got what I wanted, after all, in his words "it is your titan". He is open for Commissions if anyone wants a similar project done, Armies, Titans, Super Heavies etc. Drop him a line.
###UPDATE### 2019 After Action Pict Captur ###


  1. That's a nice looking hound there! I wish you luck on the table, expect to take some fire.

  2. Holy crap, that is awesome! Great pics too. I fear you may have convinced me to get one.

  3. awesome fella.. I'm going to need another two shadowswords!!

  4. Hey, brilliant paint job, can you do any more pictures of a close up of the cock-pit, I just want to see how the painter handled the fine detail such as the buttons and the creases on the boots. Now all you need is a Reaver and another Warhound and you'll have a proper hunting pack!

  5. Oliver, have a look at the WIP post before this one. I posted a close up then. If you still want more then I can repost as you require. Cheers - I like it too. Reaver in progress!

  6. Woah, I've just seen those photos and that is just amazing, I am currently saving up for a Warhound and i have to say, I have been drawn towards your painter more than an Ork is drawn to fighting. The question i have to ask is how much it cost to get painted to that level? Because that there is Forge World class painting! Glad to hear the Reaver is in progress, titans truly are amazing things.

  7. Oliver, it is about £300 for full construction, cleaning and painting plus basing. Not cheap - but as you well describe, Forge World Class.

  8. Hmmm, that is quite a lot, but i think that it is equally worth it. How long did he have your titan for? I was just wondering what the waiting process msut have been like... harsh?

  9. Oliver, It was not that long, about a month start to finish - you are consulted the whole time and sent WIP shots and asked how you really want things. Rich is great like that, he says 'after all, its your model not his' so consultation to ensure you get exactly what you want is key. Email him at the link to his website for more info.

  10. Woah, now that is good! I will email him, but only when i have my titan in my possession as i do not want to go getting ahead of myself. Have you used it in battle? And have you ever faced anything that is really worthy of its services such as other super heavies?

  11. Oliver, not yet - apoc battle this new year. I've him and 2 Baneblades, against 2 Baneblades and a Shadowsword plus maybe a Reaver! I'll post how it goes...

  12. How did the battle go, and di you use the Apocolypse rules or the Imperial Armour Rules?


For the Emperor! (and other Xenos welcome...)